Friday, June 1, 2007

We're back, now back to the beginning...

We've returned home on the longest Wednesday of our lives. We followed Wednesday west from Delhi starting at 1:00 am after a 6 hour layover. Delhi at the time is 10 hours ahead of US Central daylight savings time, so I figured our Wednesday was about 34 hours long. We had a 4 hour layover in Amsterdam, getting there just around sunrise. We took a train downtown, but I'll get to those pictures later. Here's a fun world travel time change, we left Amsterdam at 9:50 am and arrived in Minneapolis at 11:50 am, only a two hour flight? Nope, 8 hours with a 7 hour time change flying around 600 mph.

Now that I'm back at home with a little time and a computer, I'd go back and add a bunch more pictures to show a little more of our trip. In this post, I'll highlight our first day.

Sunrise over the Atlantic.

Our little detour to Pakistan, I thought this was a neat ethnic window on the airport. That's about all we saw of the airport since we had to sit in the plane for the full 3 hours we were there. Here's a shot of how some of us passed the time.
Here we are in the Delhi airport with our little wagon train of luggage and equipment. There were a few cows waiting for us outside the terminal.

On the road to Agra for our Taj Mahal visit...

Only 9 people in the taxi, room for two more on the back!Morning bath time at the water hole.
Schools are very well funded in India, perhaps because the highest caste is made up of Brahmans, considered the teachers of culture, religion and education.Queuing up behind the traffic police.An elephant rider in Agra from the wrong side of the bus. Monkeys on the roof and men taking care of business (of sorts).Watermelons were in season, and so were mangos.

Who needs a shopping cart?The whole group outside the Taj Mahal entrance.Like many places in India and Nepal, the men and women had separate lines, and the men's was shorter.Looking back toward the main entrance. You have to pass through this building to get to the Taj Mahal.Detail of the entrance.You can see the Taj Mahal through the door.A different view of the grounds.Yep, I was there!
One of the buildings beside the Taj Mahal.The entrance to the tomb in the Taj Mahal.Looking back at the entry to the Taj grounds.One of the nicest bathroom corridors in the world!
Family pictures putting their arm "on" the Taj Mahal.This little bird just flopped down beside us on the ground.On the road back to Delhi.
Another beautiful marble temple between Agra and Delhi.Just caught this contrast view around the corner.Yep, there's a waterpark on the way.This was one of five or six large vehicles that had broken down along the highway. It seems they frequently overload them and either lose control in the wind or the axle or wheel breaks and they run off the road.Camels were one of the other modes of transportation we saw.
This is what most of us look like after spending 24 hours on airplanes and 10 hours on a bus!Rush hour in Delhi. When traffic is stopped, there is actually a semblance of order, even though the motorcycles and bikes squeeze their way to the front between the cars.Multiple modes of transport in one shot!A small sample of the "creative" driving in India. I saw a public safety billboard preaching "Lane driving is safe driving, " and this is why.Another shot of the rush hour backup from an overpass.

After spending a rushed hour at the Taj Mahal, our flight to Calcutta was delayed for three hours due to strikes. Nancy helped to pass some time playing and singing with her backpacker guitar.

Next stop, Calcutta!

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