Sunday, May 27, 2007

A few more India/Nepal pictures.

I lucked out and have the opportunity to stay on the computer for a while longer, so I thought I'd take advantage and upload some more pictures.

The first is the big meat vendor part of the "new market", this might help explain why they are mostly vegetarian!!! The second is the entrance to the House of the Dying. The next are at our traditional Nepalese 13 course dinner. They had traditional dancers that would come out at the beginning of each of the appetizer courses. They then had a peacock puppet that would take money from people, and dancing, tickling, kissing yetis that also accepted small bills.

The next pictures are in Nepal as well. We hit a few historical religious sites on the way to Banepa where the hospital is. We visited the ancient palace site and the temple where the Kumari (the living goddess) lives, and she poked her head out for about 10 seconds since we paid 200 rupees to go in. Poor little thing looked miserable! The first pictures are the square outside the temple. The next ones are at monkey temple. Don't look too hard, it was too hot for the monkeys, so they were off sleeping somewhere in the trees. Our guide said this was the first time he had come there and not seen a monkey! They have the prayer wheels there around the shrine and they have some terraces with a beautiful panoramic view of Kathmandu.

I had to add a couple of pictures from the resort we are staying at. It is quite nice, beautiful grounds and most of the bungalows overlook the huge valley leading up to part of the Himalayas. The one picture is out our front window. Yesterday when we were done with breakfast, we came out to a film crew filming a pop music video on the premises, so that might give an idea of just how nice! The valley is so terribly polluted from Kathmandu being trapped in it, that it is only possible to see the 25,000+ peaks after an evening rain or when there are some good winds over near the mountains. They would be off in the distance in the white area to the right in the view. It would take a LOT of convincing to get me to go back to Calcutta as I have never seen someplace so filthy and polluted. Even though there is a lot of pollution in and around Kathmandu, Nepal is much, much cleaner and greener, and seems more laid back in most ways. I would definitely come back here. I also included a night shot with a 25 second exposure of the hillside in front of our place because I thought the lights were so cool.

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