Well, the internet cafe doesn't have USB ports so I'll have wait to upload more pictures until I can borrow the laptop again. The pictures below represent our travels the first day. We flew into Minneapolis, that's where Snoopy is, then we flew to Amsterdam, a 7 1/2 hour flight. They have a very beautiful airport and the country is so green! The group picture is a powwow before boarding in Amsterdam.
The flight from Amsterdam to Dehli went fine until we got to Dehli. There were some pretty bad storms going on, so the air traffic was all backed up. We were going to be circling for about 45 minutes, but since we had already flown about 8 hours, we were running low on fuel and the closest place a plane that size could land was just over the border in Pakistan.
We were expecting a half hour to refuel, but during the routine inspection they found something that had broken in flight and they had to send for a techinician. Another hour. Then we found out the KLM airlines had no preexisting business with Pakistan, so it took another 90 minutes to fax the requests and wait for approvals for payment, etc. We had to stay on the plane the whole time! UGH!!!
So we arrived in Dehli about 4 hours late which put our little road trip from Dehli to Agra to see the Taj Mahal in jeopardy since it's a five hour drive one-way. As you can see, we packed into the bus and spent an hour at the Taj Mahal. It was quite beautiful, but very rushed. When we got back to Dehli, all the flights had been delayed ue to strikes, so we sat in the airport for three hours after rushing back. Go figure. Time to go shopping today, so more later.
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